Thursday, March 17, 2005


the water sign is strong with me. it perhaps has something to do with my march b-day, which happens to be a pisces sign.

should i be scared?
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or perhaps i should be excited that the advances of lasik surgery have allowed my eyes to be sliced open, folded, cut even more and then enabling me to see even better. power and technology.

we are all puppets to the machines. the fuel that drives them. but i have a fuel of my own. beer. wine. nectars of such sweet goodness they can do nothing but inspire. especially on a day like today. st. patrick's day. my birthday. add in irish roots and you have a hell of a combination.

but this year is somewhat different from others. there are vast transformations. the obvious. the eyes. the diet. the image. all vast changes from a previous irish alecthegreat.

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